Group 3: 11-18 Years old
Book & Adaptation by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Additional Music by Eric Dozier & Sam Urdang
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Dramaturge / Consultants: Joy De Gruy and Eric Dozier
Casting: Ages 11-18 yrs
Audiences: 8+ UP
Length: 50 mins
Themes: Black History, Human Rights
Gospel, R&B, blue grass and African American spirituals with an infusion of American folk music - weave together to tell this true story of an 1850’s Virginia Slave who shipped himself to freedom in a box! It is the American Les Miserables - where the triumph of the human spirit prevails through the sacrifice of black and white abolitionists.
Based on the book RESPECT by Dorothy Marcic
Written by Dorothy Marcic
Casting: Ages 11-18 yrs
Audiences: 8+ UP
Length: 45mins
Themes: Advancement of Women
For more than the first half of the last century, the voice of women in Top-40 popular music has been one of neediness and dependency. "I'll do anything for you; just be my baby-even if you're no good and treat me bad- just LOVE me and I'll stand by my man; " to landmark songs, like "I will survive" …R.E.S.P.E.C.T is the musical evolution of women in songs tracking the Top 40 from 1900 to modern day.
Book by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Casting: Ages 11-18 yrs
Audiences: 7+UP
Length: 45min
A court room drama, Roger Williams, a Puritan, and Minister /and Reformed English theologian, faced banishment for advocating for religious freedom. He believed that soul, liberty, and freedom of conscience were gifts from God, and thought freedom of religion a natural right which demanded that church and state be separated.
Trailer, Photo Gallery, Teacher's Tool Kit & More
Sample Songs:
Book by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Casting: Ages 11-18 yrs
Audiences: 7+ UP
Length: 45min
Themes: Greed, Service
An original musical in rap with rousing Russian-style music and dance --this is the story of the land of Kunka Bunka which is ruled by a kind and benevolent King, who is consumed with worry as he discovers that none of his rotten royal rascal children are suited to govern the land. There are the three Princess sisters, Proudeska, Jealousina and Chatterina and their Prince brothers, Rudekov, Slackoff, and Coughkof - the sickly one, with the glum disposition. To discover which child might be best as royal heir, the King asks each of his children to wear the magical 'see-through spectacles' that allows them to see 'inside themselves'. As none of the rotten royal rascals are fit to fill royal shoes, the despondent King banishes his children from the palace assigned to work as common citizens, until they have learned the secret to happiness.
Book & Adaptation by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Lory Lazarus
Casting: Ages 11-18 yrs
Audiences: 8+ UP
Length: 45min
Themes: Service, Humility, Sacrifice
Summary: This is the tale of a brave knight who sets out one day to serve his King. But as he rides toward the castle, frightened travelers seek the knight's aid and protection. Though he resists, something inside will not allow him to refuse. He presses on, but his mission is delayed again and again as the knight stops to help those in need. Years upon years go by. Finally, a frail and old man, he arrives at the King's gate requesting to serve the King. He is granted his audience with the King.
Group 2: 8-10 Years old
Book & Adaptation by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Casting: Ages 8-10 yrs
Audiences: 5+ UP
Length: 40mins
Themes: Bullying, Diversity, Disabilities
"Dear Girls I Will Never Forget, You may not remember me, but I recall YOU vividly. I was the thirteen year old chubby girl with Asthma, who you tortured and teased non-stop, since I was 8 years old. I never did fit your mold…You teased me for being too tall, too dark… too smart..."
This production tells two parallel stories...the classic Hans Christian Anderson story which tells of a plain-looking little bird (the Ugly Duckling) born in a barnyard. Her brothers and sisters as well as the other birds and animals on the farm tease him for being plain and ugly, so she runs off and finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen also tease him, so she doesn't stay there long....while also making you think of a time in your life when you felt left out or different; maybe you were the new kid in your school or your neighborhood, or the only person of your cultural background in your class. Maybe you can remember being teased for wearing glasses or braces, or for not being the best at kickball.
Book & Adaptation by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Casting: Ages 8-10 yrs
Audiences: 7+UP
Length: 40 min
Themes: Generosity, Extremes of Wealth, Disparity Between Rich and Poor, Romani community
Once upon a time, somewhere in post-war Eastern Europe, there was a great famine in which people jealously hoarded whatever food they could find, hiding it even from their friends and neighbors. One day a wandering group of Romani troubadours (rudely referred to as “gypsies”) came marching down the road towards the village asking to stay for the night. The townspeople seeing them coming, suddenly pretended to be very busy, so they could avoid the troubadours- fearing their wanting food or money.
In our version of Stone Soup, a famous folk story, we show how the hardworking, creative but hungry strangers, convince the townspeople to each share a small amount of their food in order to make a meal that feeds all and everyone enjoys. While it conveys the value and spirit of sharing, we also hope to introduce a bias against an ethnic group (the Roma) who have long suffered unfair bias, discrimination and mistreatment.
Adaptation, Music and Lyrics by Lory Lazarus
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Casting: Ages 8-10 yrs
Audiences: 5+UP
Length: 30min
Themes: War,
Allusions to the Cold War, like the wall dividing the two sides. A war ends up getting fought for the wrong reasons - reminding us of the danger and the prejudice attached to such battles which can eat away at our morals, our societies, and our motives. While the underlying theme to the book is the absurdity of battle, it also conveys how we must overcome pride to live in peace.
Adaptation, Music and Lyrics by Lory Lazarus
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Casting: Ages 11-18 yrs
Audiences: 5+UP
Length: 30min
Themes: Environment, Habitat, Global Warming, Enterprise
Bewitched by the beauty of the Truffula Trees, an enterprising villain gets greedy and chops down the wonderous Truffula trees to produce and mass-market "Thneeds."The Lorax is not only an ecological warning, but also speaks to the dark side of "free enterprise" at it most depraved and greedy state.
Adaptation, Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Casting: Ages 8-10 yrs
Audiences: 7+ UP
Length: 30mins
Themes: Anti-bullying, Perseverance, Kindness, Loyalty, Parenting
A courtroom drama tests Horton's perseverance and loyalty to his ele-bird. The judge demands that who-ever is the real the parent will pull the hardest (on the arms of the young parent-less child).... A new look at the Dr. Seuss inspired story....Horton the Elephant is a touching journey of a faithful elephant.
Trailer, Photo Gallery, Teacher's Tool Kit & More
Adaptation, Music and Lyrics by Lory Lazarus
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Casting: Ages 5-7 yrs
Audiences: 4+UP
Length: 30min
Themes: Abuse of Power, Sharing, Friendship, Sacrifice, Greed.
A ferocious dictator and his wife demand a room with a view... so they command the other turtles to climb back-on-back to build them a new throne, higher and higher, The turtles below start to get restless and hungry....
Book & Adaptation by Mehr Mansuri
Music and Lyrics by Frank Sanchez & Mehr Mansuri
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Casting: Ages 5-7 yrs
Audiences: 4+UP
Length: 25min
Themes: Sharing, Distribution of Wealth, Hunger, Friendhsip
On a cold, blustery day, Roscoe Rabbit hops down the path to Farmer Haystack's vegetable patch where he collects all the potatoes, corn, turnips, carrots, apples, and berries that Farmer Haystack left behind. Roscoe Rabbit was very content as he filled every corner of his burrow with food for the winter. Later, as he sat outside eating his turnip, his neighbors passed by; Billy Chipmunk, Molly Mouse. Tina Chickadee and Rusty Robin, each hungry and shivering with cold because they could find no food for the winter. How can Farmer Rabbit show compassion to his neighbors? In this story Roscoe Rabbit prepares a big feast / fiesta and invites all his neighbors and friends.
Adaptation, Music and Lyrics by Lory Lazarus
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Casting: Ages 5-7 yrs
Audiences: 4+UP
Length: 25min
Themes: Individuality, Consumerism, Critical Thinking
It really doesn’t matter whether a Sneetch has a star belly or not - they are all really the same, and can coexist and be friends with one another.
Sample Songs:
Adaptation, Music and Lyrics by Lory Lazarus
Orchestral Arrangement by Frank Sanchez
Additional Dialogue & Lyrics by Mehr Mansuri
Casting: Ages 5-7 yrs
Audiences: 3+UP
Length: 25min
Themes: Bullies, Gossip, Race and Prejudice
Miss Spider wants her insect friends to come over for tea, but each one turns down her invitation for fear she'll eat them. When Miss Spider comes to the aid of a wet moth, word spreads of her good nature, and their perspective changes. This is a creative story for sharing the idea that it is neither polite or nice to judge others because sometimes you're wrong.
"World War XXII, as everybody knows, brought about the collapse of civilization...Then one day, a young girl who had never seen a flower chanced to find the last one in the world..."
Powerful, entertaining, thought-provoking, and hope-restoring. What happens after that is remarkable and renews the spirit. Through the act of taking care of this flower, together, the young girl and the boy who helps her, begin to bring the good back into the world. When war comes into our living rooms and is on every channel, there's no way for children to escape its ugliness. In this time of uncertainty about what's going on in the world, this parable offers hope.