Engaged in a long-running battle, the Yooks and the Zooks develop more and more sophisticated weaponry as they attempt to outdo each other. In this battle between the two neighbors, (over which way to butter your bread!), Dr. Seuss masterfully relates how petty differences must be considered in a constructive way. Allusions to the Cold War, like the wall dividing the two sides, is Dr. Seuss's vehicle for conveying the astounding destructive potential behind a war where the enemies lose sight of their true goals. The war ends up getting fought for the wrong reasons - reminding us of the danger and the prejudice attached to such battles which can eat away at our morals, our societies, and our motives. While the underlying theme to the book is the absurdity of battle, Dr. Seuss tries to convey that people must overcome their pride to live in peace.

Press Kit:
Review  ~  Flyer ~  Postcard  

Teachers' Toolkit:

  • Theme-Based Discussion Games / Values Clarification Exercises
  • Vocabulary Builder
  • Story Summary / Character Analysis
  • Lesson Plans
  • Perusal Script Application

Sample Songs: